At Shining Stars Therapy we specialize in Sensory Processing. We also work with a variety of other concerns for your child including:
- Eye-Hand Coordination
- Sensory Processing
- Fine & Gross Motor Skills
- Motor Planning
- Balance & Coordination
- Perceptual Skills
- Cognitive and Social Skills
- Behavioral organization
- Bilateral Integration
- Feeding/Eating Difficulties
- Oral motor Skills
- Muscle Strength
- Handwriting Skills
- Dressing & Grooming
- Developmental Delays
- Neurological Impairment
Shining Stars Therapy offers specialized programs that our skilled therapists will use to assist your child throughout their therapy process.
Therapeutic Listening®: A home program using special CD recordings to help improve attention, behavioral and emotional regulation, and sensory modulation
Handwriting Without Tears®: A systematic program to teach writing skills and help build school success.
Astronaut Training/Visual-Vestibular Protocol®: A child friendly approach to vestibular training which incorporates therapeutically imposed movement, visual (sight) and auditory (sound) activities that is fun and appealing to children.
Wilbarger TheraPressure Protocol®: Sensory integrative technique to help with tactile defensiveness which is incorporated into your child’s sensory diet.
Interactive Metronome (IM)®: A therapeutic device that facilitates whole body movements to a rhythmic beat. This program challenges the auditory and visual system as the child is required to hear the timing of the sounds and sees color changes related to the timing of their movements. The following areas have seen improvement: awareness, performance in school by organizing thoughts, motor coordination such as balance, and memory recognition.
Sensational Brain®: A program developed by BrainWorks® which helps children with sensory processing disorders. BrainWorks is a program that has the therapist design a sensory diet based on the needs of the child. A sensory diet includes activities and tasks the child can choose from to help with thier sensory needs. The diet has three categories of activities: alerting, calming, and just right. Depending on how the child is feeling correlates to which category of activites your child should engage. The sensory diet is designed to help the child become socially interactive, improve performance and focus in school, and to gain and sustain attention for given tasks.
NEW Services:
Rental Program Available for Therapeutic Listening® and Astronaut Training®